So first is the bike. Yes I've had to buy a bike to get around. In a bigger city I'm sure that I could have gotten around to my schools by taking the train. In my city though 3 of the schools are within walking distance so I bought a bike to get around more quickly. I also got one so that I can pick up stuff and not have to carry bags around.
Keeping in the style of only driving silver or grey vehicles, I now own a silver bike.
Now let's take a photo tour of my apartment. It's small so there really isn't much to see, but here's a quick look at how I will be living for the next year.
So first you walk in through the door and this is the view that you see. On the right is the shower and washroom on the left the washing machine and the kitchen.
This is the shower room. With a little hint of Toronto.
This is the tiny little kitchen. I've got a sink, a stove top, toaster oven and a fridge.
Next you enter the main room/bedroom.
On the right under my bed is this very spacious walk in closet. That would make a great home for a little hobbit.
I have a loft bed that I sleep in and it has a little cubby section to rest my head.
I have a balcony as well. This is the view that I see when I look out. It's not much but at least I have that for fresh air and to hang my clothes to dry.
This is the view of my apartment from the balcony.
I also now have a new cell phone that I am using to keep in touch with work and with the people that I've met. I wanted the deep blue colour, but they didn't have any available so I went with purple over the boring black or white.
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