Friday, January 4, 2013

Hiroshima – December 31st, 2012/January 1st, 2013

Our last stop on this two-week tour was in Hiroshima. We got into the city a little later in the afternoon. Once again the hotel was quite nice – I was also very happy that I was getting to have my own room, no dealing with earplugs or snoring fathers! We also found out what the hotel was going to be doing for New Years.

After settling in we went on adventure to Miyajima. Miyajima is a small island just off the coast of Hiroshima. The island is a great place to explore and see a few shrines and temples. On my trip 3 years ago I was able to explore more of the island, this time however we got to the ferry after it got dark and it wasn’t the best time to visit. We did however see a main attraction to the island that is the giant Otorii and Itsukushima Shrine. As well as a few of the deer that make their home on the island.

When the island was discovered it was revered as God. It was because of this that the shrine and torii were built in the water, rather than on the land. The temple is made out of wood and held up by wood pillars. The temple is built just along the shoreline of the island and when the tide comes in it creates the illusion that temple is floating.

The real site though is the giant vermillion Otorii which was the original entrance to the island. The gate stands over 16m tall and is wide enough to have boats pass through it. The other thing that is interesting about the gate is that it is not secured to the ground. It was just placed down and maintains its perfect balance and position through weight and gravity.

New Year’s Eve was a quiet affair. We got back from the island and walked along the road in front of our hotel, as there were structures and images made out of lights. They were pretty and it was a cool thing to see. Then we had drinks at the hotel bar and celebrated the countdown with a few other people in the hotel.

The next day we spent the day that the Peace Park. I had visited the park 3 years ago and it was still just as amazing and moving. We started at the north end of the park by the Atomic Dome. The gutted building is a magnificent and horrible site.

We then walked south through the park. We passed the Children’s Monument and the Peace flame and the Memorial Cenotaph. The Cenotaph creates a perfect arch over the flame and the Dome.

We then walked through the Museum – we were lucky that it was open; as it was New Year’s Day and all the previous years the museum had been closed. The museum contains information on events leading up to the bomb being dropped and then what happened during and after. It is a great museum and I would recommend it as a stop for anyone who is travelling through Japan.

Before we left the city we stopped for a dinner of okonomiyaki. This is my favourite food in Japan - the Hiroshima style, not the Osaka or Kyoto. It's layered with noodles, an egg, cheese, bacon, shrimp and cabbage. I love it!!!

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