Sunday, April 28, 2013

Film Review: Iron Man 3

So I haven’t blogged in a while, but nothing much happened in April. So I give to you another Movie Review, this time for Iron Man 3.

As those of you who read my Avengers review know I love Marvel movies (though not such a big fan of Captain America as compared to the others.) When I found that Iron Man 3 would be released here now in April I was excited to go. This is the first of the Iron Man films that I have seen in theatres and I wasn’t at all disappointed, in fact it might be my favourite of the trilogy.

Beware Spoilers Ahead!!!!

The film starts of differently from the other two, Tony is telling his story – it only makes sense when you see the after credits tag, which I won’t spoil.

Also the opening song is “Blue” by Eifel 65, which I haven’t heard in at least 10 years. It set the tone for the laughs of the film. The opening is also a flashback, which gives the spark for the whole story. I was so intrigued by the story that it was easy to forget that it was a “comic book” movie. The idea of Tony being traumatized by what happened in The Avengers and the terrorist plot was a nice adult theme.

The film was filled with quite a few comedic moments, balancing the drama quite nicely. Although it did seem like at points I was the only one laughing in the theatre, I think this is because some of the jokes when translated into Japanese subtitles don’t have the same impact. My favourite of the comedic moments is Tony’s interaction with the boy who’s garage he breaks in to. Though their funny moments do turn a little dark, it was great to see those moments.

There is also a lot of action. It seems even more action than The Avengers. The action at points had me tense because of the high speeds and the explosions and also the peril some of the characters were put in. My favourite action point was the display of suits that Tony has been working on.

Though the action and comedy were high, there was also a sadness underlying the whole movie. It made it seem more human and more real. A few moments I had tears in my eyes, though if I say when it will give away big plot points. Let’s just say that the reason Tony fights in taken away and you can see his pain.

The acting in the film was also phenomenal. The entire cast does a great job and there isn’t one weak link. Gwenyth Paltrow gives her best performance of Pepper Potts, again showing why Pepper is the perfect partner for Tony. Guy Pierce is great as the scummy business/scientist. Ben Kingsly as Mandarin gives a great performance as the bad guy, proving that he is quite the gifted actor even when not tackling epics like Ghandi or Schindler’s List. But the real star is Robert Downey Jr. He is Tony Stark and I don’t think there is any other actor who could have brought him to life in quite the same way. He plays the comedic moments with excellent timing, but it’s Tony’s darker moments where he really shows how great of an actor he is and how he will be around for years to come.

Though the film was dark and the plot build up intense the part of the ending can be seen to be a little cheesy, but it is easily ignored as Tony continues his story. It creates a nice ending to the trilogy – unlike the cheese-tastic ending that was The Dark Knight Trilogy, because that was a terrible way to end those movies.
It also provides a nice new starting point for Tony Stark in The Avengers films or if they want to make any more Iron Man movies.

Well I thought the movie was great and if you want a nice afternoon out to see a funny and action packed movie go see Iron Man 3.

5/5 Stars