Monday, October 1, 2012

Hair Make - September 29th

Finding a hair salon in Japan is like looking for a blade of grass on a front lawn. They can be found on almost any city corner and it’s more than likely that a city will have multiple ones. If you want a hair cut, colour, perm, extension up-do or even just a simple curl with a curling iron just look for the words Hair Make and you are looking at a salon.

Now my own story about my hair.

In late 2011 I decided to be bold and cut off most of my hair for a short, punky look and I loved it. It was one of the best hair decisions I made because there was so little maintenance. I’ve kept it that length since.

However I have been missing my long hair and decided that I wanted to grow it out again. Prior to leaving for Japan I got it cut and I thought I would leave it, but the growing out process is kind of a pain and my hair was looking funny, so I decided I wanted a cut to even it all out. When I made that decision I also thought why not dye it, try something a little different while I’m here away from “real life”.

And that is how I went from this [Early September]:

At the hair make:

To this auburn, nicely shaped hair style:

Don’t get me wrong it was a hard decision to come to, as I love the dark natural colour of my hair. I also didn’t want to damage my hair by lightening it because I’ve never really dyed or coloured my hair so drastically. [With the exception of a few patches of blonde once or twice]

It was the fact though that the Japanese know how to cut and colour hair very well that helped me make my decision. A majority of people that I see on a daily basis all have their hair coloured. It’s something that they really like to do; so seeing a blonde Japanese woman isn’t really a surprise. The women here spend a lot of money to get their hair done an done well, that is why the stylists and colourists all are trained very well to make sure that they don’t severely damage or ruin hair. They man who did my hair was recommended to me by one of my Japanese friends and he did a fantastic job. I am very happy and really love my new look.


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